Thursday, October 27, 2022

                   -By Unanimous Consideration-

Announcing the "Honorary Chairman"––

duly elected by the official gathering

of the annual "Columbus Day Parade Committee."

––The "Honorary Chairman" is pictured standing

on the rear floorboard of the sharp-finned, slow-

moving, powder blue 1958 Cadillac convertible,

acknowledging the sporadic, but warm, sidewalk reception.

––He spoke the night before at the "Sons Of Italy Hall"

accepting the honorarium with humility and deep emotion.

––He introduced his family from the lectern:

his wife, his daughter and two sons.

––An honorary supper was served downstairs

to invited friends and satellite family members, to church

and local dignitaries; the parish priest, a city councilor

of Italian parentage, and two previous "Honorary Chairmen"

still among the living. It was a bustling, noisy Hall.

––After the blessing,

the guests feasted on spaghetti and meatballs

served-up from the Hall's own kitchen.

––The men drank Narragansett lager beer from the bottlenecks.

The old-timers drank a sweet Port wine from semiopaque plastic cups.

The women puffed "Viceroy" king size, filter-tipped cigarettes.

The younger kids were unruly, bumping into one another

across the blistered linoleum never quite knowing in which

direction they should run.

––The priest was seated at the head-table with other city dignitaries

including Ray Patrucci, president and chairman of the

"Columbus Day Parade Selection Committee."

––The city councilor shook every hand he could grab

before leaving in a hurry, like any aging local sports hero

who has to catch the last run of the Bedford and County bus. 

––A framed, official-looking Proclamation with embossed seal

was presented to the "Honorary Chairman" through the smoky commotion.

––It will hang on the parlor wall across from the television

tacked just high enough above the kerosine-fired space heater

to be seen at eye-level by visiting company to my father's house.

Its paper will yellow with age.

––In time, the Proclamation will be placed upon a high closet shelf

enclosed within a dank corrugated box marked: "knickknacks."    


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