-left-handed jews had it easy-
"he ascended into heaven
and was seated at the right hand of god"––
so that means the left hand sits for Beelzebub.
and so it went from early on.
Nonna! Nonna! don’t squeeze
the pencil into the hand of god
when the hand of the devil yearns
to crayon a spiked yellow sun upon
a waxed blue sky!
a waxed blue sky!
it's the devil’s hand smudges the pencil's soft lead
(here, "lead" refers to the heteronym noun: a blue-grey
metallic substance used in pencils
before it was considered poisonous and graphite
was developed to replace it)
(here, "lead" refers to the heteronym noun: a blue-grey
metallic substance used in pencils
before it was considered poisonous and graphite
was developed to replace it)
as it moves across the page after her announcement
that "neatness counts"!
that "neatness counts"!
impossible writing paddle’s bolted in favor to the right hand of God!
and so I’m born to fail at letters. Nonna! Nonna!
and so I’m born to fail at letters. Nonna! Nonna!
pick-up those beads and sing the prayer of absolution meant only for me.
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