Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 on permanent loan from “Zelig”

I’ve witnessed the burning of the Hindenburg, and saw

the ponies tossed to the deep Sargasso in the doldrums

of the Horse Latitudes.

I was there when "Teddy ballgame" hit one into

the right field stands at Fenway during his last at bat,

and saw them carry Marylin Monroe to the hearse, where

I touched the hem of her pall.

I defined the last time I saw the face of God

as not in my image nor the image of anyone I know or have known.

I held the line of the pulley which hauled “Pinky” Imbriglio

from the black waters below the granite ledge on the outskirts of mill-town,

where this morning I sat with GarciĆ” Lorca, chatting on the merits

of a meditating lizard.

in the beginning I confessed to Priest whatever I thought

would be titillating to both of us.

I have no external warts nor moles to report, but someday soon

something will show-up worthy enough to be reported by someone else.

I write poems, not because it's a devoted vocation, but because,

well,–– I don't know why.


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