-a journey between the two eyes of man-
I’m searching for Bach;
the one and only Bach
even among the Bachs,
scrolling down from the top
reading left to right across
the spines of the jewel cases
the way god intended,
and hovering above Bach
there’s only space, space
like heaven, an empty space
unoccupied but for squatters,
the dead priests, who’re
left to themselves,
to abuse themselves
by their own sour hands..
–– but I digress.
I’m searching for Bach,
anticipating the opening “Kyrie”
of the “Messe in h-moll”––
and I'll crank that sucker out full-blast,
loud enough to shake-up
the sensibilities of nosey neighbors, whilst
eating two scrambled eggs
with coffee chaser;
one hand for the plate, the other hand to fork,–– but
Bach’s impatient;
Bach wants me to hurry-up because
he says he wants the world to know
the righteousness of his opinion, and
the importance of his calling, and
what? so I don’t?
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