well, yes it is. but in this one there’s food.
allow me to explain.
there’s a function of sorts going on.
the place is crowded with chattering people who are well-
dressed and appear to be appropriately disoriented.
weaving among them are younger women carrying trays
of hors d'oeuvres which they offer to the people in attendance.
well, actually they don’t “offer” what’s on the trays to anyone.
their jobs are to remain anonymous which explains why they’re required
to be dressed like nuns at the postulant stage of their development.
when Thomas or Jacqueline want something from the trays, the servers
are to stop, let them pick an item, then continue working the crowd
like participants enclosed in an ant farm.
as to the contents of the serving trays, it seems that the smaller, stinkier,
and more visually upsetting the item is,–– the better.
so I wake-up, take another eventful morning piss, then otherwise
refresh myself before coffee.