-Heminger-Burke Requiem-
So I've come to this, Lois Heminger-Burke,
Long from the mid-western banks of the river.
But in this I am not alone.
The children are grown,— yours and mine
As I read of your death by-chance,
Years after you had died
"After a short illness" as it was written
Years after you had died
"After a short illness" as it was written
At Fairfax Hospital
In the Commonwealth of Virginia.
There I was again, lurking within
The cold machinery, foraging into
A not too distant history for the stories I'd lift
Of the people I've encountered, intruding
Of the people I've encountered, intruding
Into their living quarters, but only
The dark obituary showed-up with your name
With nothing of the light once known to me
And I ran from that darkness
With nothing of the light once known to me
And I ran from that darkness
Into the distance where I could see clearly
Never so young as at that moment
Running toward the Huron.
On the anniversary of her death. 1/18/1997
Thank you for your remembrance of my sister, an unexpected find. 22 years this month, too soon, too long gone.