-a theoretical world-
from a storefront doorway the sign to passersby reads: "We're OPEN"!
street-side, the plate-glass window displays selections of its inventory.
the street is busy with activity and gatherers of belongings are just getting started.
people greet one another presenting kittens from their hands, presenting images
of accomplished work and images of the accomplished work of others;
some who are living, others who are dead.
curbside, a jovial old man introduces two small dogs in tutus dancing on their
hind legs to the music of an accordion amusing the children.
artists, poem-writers, bloggers, diarists and sports fans; idle gossipers, digital
self-portrait aficionados and lonely hearts fly through the arena's atmosphere
like ping-pong balls sprung from a field of mousetraps.
the variety store carries news of the plaintiff's accusations, of noteworthy adjudications, certain character indictments and exposés of the populated interiors;
it carries news of the evening's visible planets masquerading light, advancing
the proposition that false-faces will often intrigue us.
on the local front, the latest report tells of the 24 inch Schwinn's mid-morning
crack-up on the avenue near the cemetery.
it's assumed that this is the cherry-red beauty that has weight and occupies space.
two old-timers are standing at the storefront's window;
one is inside looking outward, the other is outside looking inward.