Tuesday, October 8, 2024


-Dream (a little dream)-

Naomi is in the valley. She reads
from a book of poems by Anna Journey
who is not yet born ––

"Dark Mouth like a Lullaby's"––
reciting to the child, the child beautified;

t-shirt screened in color:
"Chew Mail Pouch Tobacco" which
seems appropriate here.

Obligatory freight train, (the muscular geep)
runs northbound in the near distance.
Boxcars clack, labeled in precision print:
"Chessie Systems" –– glow cadmium

yellow on metal-ribbed

fields of cobalt blue. 
Neville thinks they're in too deep

as if the Ohio is to pull them down.
Naomi is seductive in the valley, hooks

the child below
the hollow pits.

Neville hooks
the bend at his knees
and the child

sways as he would in a hammock latched between
the blue Appalachian hillsides nearing the clapboard
house in the lowlands.





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