Saturday, March 4, 2023

                    -Honorable Mention-

The universe is far too vast to consider in totality overnight.

My neighbor agonized over this, failed, and went crazy.

So I’m considering the home galaxy, the “Milky Way,” the one I live with.

It’s a disk-shaped object, spiraling around its nucleus, crowded

(but not really crowded) with stars, gases, nebulae, dark matter, and whatnot.

Don’t get me wrong, the galaxy’s holdings are precious, and

there's plenty to consider in its grab-bag of wonders, and there's this:

It's big. traveling from one edge to the far edge at light speed

would take some 200,000 years,–– unless you book the local, in which case

the journey would be substantially longer.–– I don't advise it.

Also,–– by now you're probably aware that the center of the galaxy

would have the scent of raspberries, and the taste of rum.

Chemically, there’s some truth to this, which is why I’ve decided

to consider the home galaxy for exploration this morning.

I just want a quick sniff, and a little taste of the stuff.

I know. I know. ––That's the kind of thinking that killed Lenny Bruce.

But I'll take reasonable precautions employing established standards

in moderating consumption.

sniff some raspberries, slurp a lil' rum, and fly back home

before my crazy neighbor's let loose upon the world again.

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