Thursday, December 29, 2022

                   the Frequent Flyer Club:

a member-in-good-standing with impeccable credentials

and impressive flying-dream inventory has submitted another

vivid dream for Governing Board certification.

his stash of flying dreams is interesting, and individually

are not so fragmented as many of my flying dreams tend to be.

but we both enjoy sharing our dreams of non-vehicular flight

with others as do many of our members.

(In order to classify as a "flying dream" a human being

must be "flying" upward at a minimum of 100 feet above ground,

at an angle between a minimum of 35 degrees and a maximum

of 60 degrees, propelled by inertial motion without the aid of mechanical

or "spiritual" devices, including elevation during the rapture.)

following is the dream which was submitted

by the member-in-good-standing who has vivid dreams:

he’s flying, clothed, but bare-footed through a range

of cumulus clouds, approaching the darkest of them

forming menacingly behind a large, hovering alligator.


that’s the image he's proposed for the Governing Board's consideration,

and it certainly would be a fine contribution to the Frequent Flyer Club vaults.

but Antoine Dubonnet, last year's runner-up,

still shaken by the lopsided results is asking questions:

"suppose the alligator is dreaming within

the context of the member-in-good-standing's dream"?

"suppose this dream submitted by the member-in-good-standing

is in fact the alligator’s dream, and if it is the alligator's dream,

why is the alligator dreaming of the member-in-good-standing"?

a roundtable discussion of Dubonnet's allegations, followed by

a voice vote of the executive committee in session to sanction Dubonnet,

is soon to be rescheduled, and is currently laid upon the table.

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