-The Seasons-
Serving as humidifier, sat on top for a practical,
-The Seasons-
the Frequent Flyer Club:
a member-in-good-standing with impeccable credentials
and impressive flying-dream inventory has submitted another
vivid dream for Governing Board certification.
his stash of flying dreams is interesting, and individually
are not so fragmented as many of my flying dreams tend to be.
but we both enjoy sharing our dreams of non-vehicular flight
with others as do many of our members.
(In order to classify as a "flying dream" a human being
must be "flying" upward at a minimum of 100 feet above ground,
at an angle between a minimum of 35 degrees and a maximum
of 60 degrees, propelled by inertial motion without the aid of mechanical
or "spiritual" devices, including elevation during the rapture.)
following is the dream which was submitted
by the member-in-good-standing who has vivid dreams:
he’s flying, clothed, but bare-footed through a range
of cumulus clouds, approaching the darkest of them
forming menacingly behind a large, hovering alligator.
that’s the image he's proposed for the Governing Board's consideration,
and it certainly would be a fine contribution to the Frequent Flyer Club vaults.
but Antoine Dubonnet, last year's runner-up,
still shaken by the lopsided results is asking questions:
"suppose the alligator is dreaming within
the context of the member-in-good-standing's dream"?
"suppose this dream submitted by the member-in-good-standing
is in fact the alligator’s dream, and if it is the alligator's dream,
why is the alligator dreaming of the member-in-good-standing"?
a roundtable discussion of Dubonnet's allegations, followed by
a voice vote of the executive committee in session to sanction Dubonnet,
is soon to be rescheduled, and is currently laid upon the table.
various tributaries
(or the time a young woman on 195 west bumped her third suicidal opossum)
so sponsor me. curate me. but hang me away from direct sunlight.
O, how it burns me up, makes me pale, weakens the luminosity!
gimme a lil’ bit of that mouth-to-mouth so’s your hot
exhaling breath articulates my lungs, and then
warm my hands in the cold morning's room within the fold.
put them in deep, but not so deep so's I can’t manipulate my thumbs.
then go.–– but wait!
watch out for the old buzzard across the street who clears his lungs
of a day’s worth of phlegm late into night like to rattle my walls.
well, well.–– what do we have here?
see that ol' merry-go-round yonder? let’s take her for a spin, and when
it stops we'll announce to the neighborhood we've arrived at our destination.
–– whoa!
don’t resuscitate that bumped opossum! resuscitate me, why don't cha?
(unabashedly piggybacking Jack Kerouac's: "Scattered poems"
page 17, 4th verse, last stanza, right side of the spine.)
an introduction to cryptoverse
log on to my space.
the screen will prompt you to:
“click here to read my poem.”
click the link.
nothing will appear
and after a few minutes,
(the average time it takes
to read a standard-sized poem
written in the dreaded back-
handed complimentary "plain-talk")
the screen will go black.
not to worry.
you simply walk around town
telling everyone you meet
that you’ve just read a poem.
there’s no place they can go to
to validate your claim, so
they can either believe you or not.
those who don't will have
the distinction of claiming:
"never heard of the guy".
those who do,
will go about their business
content that they’ve met a person,
out of the blue, who has read a poem.
21st century digital bells, and a digital reading of my current weight
It's 7:59 in the morning, and if my math is correct,
4 of 100 people in the apartment building know I live here.
my son's keen awareness is comforting, albeit from the other side of the continent.
all others of the immediate family are deceased and express no opinions.
I’m not now nor have I ever been more popular than Jesus.
I don’t drive around anymore, but with a phone call
someone picks me up at the door taking me to the eggs I need,
or to nab my prescription because the pharmacist says it's ready.
the dense, early morning fog has lifted from the balcony.
Saint Micheal Church rises above the tree line;
its roof and its bell tower are clearly visible when
the Autumn leaves drop, and when the wind comes in from the east,
the recorded bell's tolling is amplified. It tolls once for every hour from
8:00 AM ending at 8:00 PM.
otherwise I don't subscribe to the biblical voodoo.
nobody's got real bells anymore, they're too heavy
and could cause a newsworthy local catastrophe.
but the sound of the tolling is still beautiful,
and the elderly of mind and body find comfort there.
the coffee’s perked, and the turkey bacon’s crisp and ready to be slipped
into pita bread with green leaf lettuce and slices of vine tomato.
this is the fourth day I'm without a new back-up exit plan.
as to how it will go, I might complete this document later in the day, but
chances are I’ll let it stand as written, call it poetry, and leave it to the courts.
I’m weighing-in at 163, and in less than a minute the bell will toll 8 times.
which means if the sun's out it's morning.
the four ghosts of past experiences
they show-up as a family group on occasion
like an impromptu chorus interrupting a benediction.
sometimes they appear individually as to emphasize a personality trait.
that's justifiable.
they know I write things down.
maybe the spirits drop by to collect a debt,–– after all,
my wanderings are in large part due to what they’ve left behind,
and now they'd like me to pay-up for the usage during longevity.
It's understandable.
ah, this fine family. they’d be better off without the need to haunt me,
and I’m perfectly willing to honor the debt if it brings a receipt
of payment-in-full, and a little latitude moving forward toward tomorrow.
Cover Letter
-beyond the reach of younger men-
very old men have somewhere adhered to their heads,
a band-aid "flesh-colored" strip. (available in caucasian tone only)
it never mimics true complexion as the strip is akin to taped repairs
of torn, diner-booth naugahyde. (red is to red as dust is to water)
the wounds on the heads of very old men, whatever the wounds might be,
might be better exposed for what they are. well, naturally within reason.
very old men are by their nature unencumbered by images of theirselves,
and they seem to lack the awareness to realize the young among them
are not among them by preference.
also, in the light of day regardless of what it is they're wearing,
very old men will have a soiled spot dabbed somewhere upon their clothing.
when discovered, this stain is often seen by them to be as mysterious as the far-
side of the Moon before exploration revealed it to be no more
than the same sort of rock which the lick of God avoided, leaving it with
nothing to reflect.
––a beef gravy stain is a reasonable assumption. an educated guess to be sure.
––I came to this place from among them. I'm one of their kind, you see.
the space below is reserved for the announcement of arrangements.
another in a string of lazy summer afternoons
––that afternoon long ago when the chickens with slit throats
were found hanging by their feet against the peeling, pea-
green entry wall, as the junkyard dog ran in frantic circles
across the floor was reported to the proper authorities.
––nowadays my password’s my name.
my code for the withdrawal of funds is: 54321,
and that bottle of Geritol my grandpappy
laid upon his bedside table in 1951 to "re-vegetate"
his tired blood must surely be empty by now.
we didn’t have a dog.
––we had cats and parakeets and one yellow canary which became
agitated when persons of color came knocking, conflicting with
the racial sensitivities of my parents, hawking the promise
of "Jesus and Paradise Awaiting" informational pamphlets.
––you might ask then: who was that junkyard dog running around
in mad circles as the clueless chickens hung bleeding in the entry
on that sweltering planet a million years from here?–– well,
he responded to the name: "Rusty" and showed-up in the entryway
during times of turmoil, but we didn’t have a dog.
elegy to a tap-dancer at her core
I worry about overlooking the best of things.
the house is a mixed collection of parts; some
stand alone, while some are in need of accompaniment.
others are left unknown but to me.
the checklist is far from accurate.
I don’t know what to look for.
I’m standing at stuff stacked in columns
as high as my knees.
they're stacked that way for a reason.
It’ll take longer than nightfall to find the answers.
my senses collide on the march.
my eyes aren't what they used to be.
behind me, the time-worn drone
of the veteran broadcaster, dumped to the midnight slot,
reports the "Breaking News" I’ve heard since morning.
upstairs, there’s a photograph to be found.
downstairs, there are others to consider.
kitchen shelves are examined for disposition.
the lines of demarcation are formless and not helpful.
there are drawers to approach, each and all in their time.
everything keeps coming and going.
dear, remarkable sister / 12/17/ '39 / 12/18/ '18
feels like minus 15° when calculating into the equation the wind-chill factor