Saturday, September 26, 2020

                   -the opinion page-

I listened to “Women” last night.

I missed the reciter's name which

is a shame because he was very good,

sounding, probably, like Bukowski in a state of sobriety.

I guess I can think-up a pretty good poem if it’s mine.

in my brain it sounds like my voice, I think, but

when poets read their own stuff in recital it’s

nearly annoying to hear responses from the audience.

the sounds from the stands at the ballpark with the score

knotted at.. let’s say, six a-side in.. let’s say, the top of the 8th

is pretty good, better than audience responses from

the gathered at a live poet's recital.

even low-key’d William Carlos Williams seemed awkwardly surprised

when years ago a small gathering gave him a standing ovation

after a reading of “the red wheelbarrow”.

"The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends


a red wheel


glazed with rain


beside the white


don’t get me wrong.

I like the little poem, but christ!

a standing ovation?–– and sure

there are things to consider if

you take the time to realize a red wheelbarrow, rainwater glazed

and white chickens nodding around with nowhere to go but where

Carlos Williams places them, together in a moment of time;

 if you, let's say, look upon those elements of the poem

as if each participant is not a singularity but are forever linked

as if they're the only physical properties which exist on the planet and..

wait a minute. by the great stone of Sisyphus! 

I love that little poem!


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