In Boulder, Colorado
In Boulder, Colorado
The mountains during twilight glow
Red-violet at their peaks,
Red-violet at their peaks,
Bluing on the slide to darkness.
From the kitchen window
Facing that way, this is the setting scene
As she washes the dinner dishes.
Everything exhales across Boulder,
In measured disposition of the day's activities.
There's a quiet nature to eventide
Inside the house not far from the mountains.
The dishtowel wipes dry her hands
As she looks around the kitchen assuring herself
That her efforts have accomplished something meaningful.
Through the narrow hallway
To the small living-room,
He cons the television's reception
Tuning its manufactured knobs
And negotiating its rabbit-ears
In figure eight patterns as the kids
In full-faith in his abilities
Gather on the rug to stake their claims.
(He slaps the television's cabinet on its broadside
Causing a tantalizing flash of something recognizable
Through the static phosphorescence.
Through the static phosphorescence.
He knows the nightly routine like no other.)
With the dishes stacked away she looks upon
The recurring timeline of the living room
Leaning her shoulder on the wall of the hallway.
Outside, the streetlights strengthen and soon
Blanch the stars with an incandescent light
And sounds are muted.
Inside, the kitchen is dark and ready for morning as
The mountains begin their retreat
From the glancing windows of Boulder.
Inside the first-floor tenement in Fall River, Massachusetts,
Inside the first-floor tenement in Fall River, Massachusetts,
Boulder's evening narratives are two hours done
And as is its custom, more noisily articulated.
Outside, as seen through the parlor's windows,
The darkened ballpark across the street is two hours empty.
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