-traveler, seller, money-maker-
He performed on stage
For the Black Friars Guild at the Sons
Of Italy Hall on Covel Street to rave reviews
In the mimeographed playbills
In the mimeographed playbills
Then took it on the road driving an eye-weary
Couple of hundred miles a day
Although the selling came as easily as stage-acting.
We know the uniform of the salesman;
The heel-worn polished shoes, wash-faded
Dress shirt with pencil-thin, to wide-plank ties
As current fashion dictated, the buttoned trench-coat
And topping it off,
As current fashion dictated, the buttoned trench-coat
And topping it off,
The soft-brimmed fedora, like a breaking wave
Draping the constant haircut stubble.
Draping the constant haircut stubble.
In the house, the bookcase in the living room
Was filled with curios, knick-knacks,
Endless milk-glass and a stack of the necessary
National Geographic magazines with nowhere else to go.
But on the road, the trunk of the Buick
Was ready for anything,— filled with cardboard
Advertising displays of healthy young women
In big bikinis holding bottles of booze in their hands
And neon-blue script hawking Pabst Blue Ribbon
With miles to travel east
To the bars and restaurants of Buzzards Bay,
With miles to travel east
To the bars and restaurants of Buzzards Bay,
Then miles to travel west
And another layer of weariness
In the recurring production of the house in Fall River
And another layer of weariness
In the recurring production of the house in Fall River
All from the traveling stage of the road.
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