Sunday, May 5, 2013

In Boulder, Colorado
The mountains during twilight
Are draped Sun-colored at their peaks,
Bluing as night falls.

From the kitchen window of the house
Facing that way, this is the setting scene
As she washes the dinner dishes.

Everything exhales across Boulder
With careful disposition of the day's activities.

There's a quiet nature to this time
Inside the house not far from the mountains.
The dishtowel wipes her hands dry
And she looks around the kitchen
To be sure of everything.

Through the narrow hallway
Inside the small living-room
He cons the television's reception
Tuning its manufactured knobs,
And negotiating rabbit-ears
In figure eights as the kids
In full-faith of his process
Gather on the rug to stake their claims.

With the captivated audience in waiting
He slaps the television's cabinet on its side
With an open hand causing flashes of static.
He knows the routine like no other

And with the dishes stacked, she looks upon
The recurring timeline of the living room
Leaning her shoulder on the wall of the hallway.

Outside, the streetlights
Strengthen and soon
Blanch the stars with another
Kind of light and sound is altered and muted.
Inside, the kitchen is dark and ready for morning.
Outside, the mountains begin their retreat
From the glancing windows of Boulder.

Inside, he asks without interest
If she’s finished in the kitchen.
From the hallway's arch 
She smiles and thanks him for the help.

At our house in Fall River, Massachusetts
These things are two hours done,
Noisily articulated through each procedure.

Outside, as seen through the parlor's windows
The darkened baseball park across the street
Is two hours empty.

                                      Boulder, 1953
                                      Quequechan, 1953

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