Thursday, June 19, 2014

-August, 2006 and Pluto's expulsion from planetary classification- 
I'm uneasy with this decision.
Regardless, they'll make no apologies
What with accusations that it drifts inconstant
Ellipticals in smears of methane and nitrogen ice.
Looks drunk, they say;
An embarrassment to decent planets, they mumble. 
I'm uneasy with this reasoning.
Why’d they do what they did?
Maybe they weren’t busy enough
Hanging around the idle reflectors
Smoking who-knows-what, or
Grabbing 40-winks beneath the constant
Hiss of the radio dishes, knee-deep in the
Fragments of pepperoni pizzas hold the anchovies.
Could be it started as an inside joke;
Computerize Pluto out of the plates,
See who notices.
Maybe nobody did.
Got them thinking about publishing.
What else looked as rewarding
In the time when peers are mapping
The breadth of the known universe?
I'm uneasy with their findings, but
Maybe in time I'll come to accept their conclusions.
After all, I'm an old-timer preparing to reach his own existence.
What's the use in agonizing over this little core of rock which
Wants nothing more than to kill me.
I can manage the disappointment, and besides,––
I can't get to it from here, and it can't get to me from there.

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