Wednesday, August 24, 2011

-William's Saga-

I was born at 1017
Then moved westward to 1015.
1017 to 1015.
New planet. Same furniture.
Everything I wanted from life
Was laid at my feet
Between theses numbers.

Water from heavy rainfall would
Sweep downhill from the east,
Down the slope of the street
From the edge of the Narrows
Flooding into a concave arc of pavement
Directly beneath the feet
Of the tenement houses we lived in.
There, the water stopped moving down
And instead moved up
In the art of the downpour, the eighth
Wonder of the World.

I was told by Louie Rossi
That Donald Peterson threw
A kitten down the sewer.
I was told that Pinky
Drowned at the Quarry’s
Ledge,— a still, forbidden water.
The old-timer calling for rags
Pulling his team behind him
Was dubbed “Skeleton Ghoul-Tender”—
Hid a carving knife inside
His tattered coat.

Under the porches
Dank with tuberculosis
I'd hide the Nudies
And discover the ancient smut of others.
Swift swig of beer
From behind the Billboards.
Glance of manhood.
I couldn’t hit for distance but I could run.
So I bunted my way to first,—
Then got to second base with Angela Fazzina
Behind the stage in the basement of our Church.

Albie Bernard got beaned and died in a day.
But my sister’s teenage friends were angelic.
Some whiter than the sheets of the clothesline.
Some dark as the island's olives.
Fifties girls.
I remembered them fondly each night
As I'd close my eyes beneath the sheets.
I can’t strike up better imagery
Than that.


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