beach scene #2
beach scene #2
On an agitated winter
rectangle of beach,
rectangle of beach,
scene-setting so typically extraordinary
I lay the beach down easily
tern and plover conscious
tern and plover conscious
to the floor in my studio
so that it’s called-up,
that the salt of it sticks in my nostrils
shakes to my wisp of hair
dust-globs turned sand-
grains grimacing inside the spaces,
the twisted angles of my toes
mouth-dried like a sailor
lip-skin chapped in the windface,—
the interior brightening through
like ice-light dropping in
from the horizon, moon-balloon
waiting my decision as to tides
eastbound coast at my frontside
traffic heavy street hums
traffic heavy street hums
and the local
city bus breaks and squeals
when it makes the pick-up stop
out my window,
and the walls tighten their grip
and the walls tighten their grip
just at the right time for the water's
ebb-tide and the dust to circulate.
Fall River
ebb-tide and the dust to circulate.
Fall River
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