Answer: It’s where an asylum was built to house the mad and slightly mad among us.
On a medically prescribed neighborhood stroll, the third of the week,
a stranger approached me near the corner of Bedford and Quarry.
He seemed overly distraught, but otherwise non-threatening.
He asked: “Do you agree that Brahms belongs with Beethoven and Bach
as a member of the so-called "Three B’s”?
––Well, as a matter of fact I don’t. But who’d I replace Brahms with, having
a last name beginning in “B” who’d even begin to fit within a triumvirate
containing Beethoven and Bach?
I advised the stranger: “Listen, pal. You gotta let this go or it’ll drive you
straight to Taunton”.
He latched onto my arm with an ancient mariner’s weathered hand exclaiming:
“What the hell’s in Taunton”?