a guide to riding home at twilight on the 24" Schwinn D-12
twilight, and homeward.
junkyard south-by-east return.
twilight, and homeward.
junkyard south-by-east return.
point to Quarry Street horizon.
con the grips to hold-fast
against lateral drift toward the Flint
at Pleasant where "Carmella's Coney Island"
makes its living.
against lateral drift toward the Flint
at Pleasant where "Carmella's Coney Island"
makes its living.
coast Healy downwind with pedals
aligned to the running wheels.
aligned to the running wheels.
begin the starboard run
across the rusted hulks cloistered behind
the barbed-wire fence.
across the rusted hulks cloistered behind
the barbed-wire fence.
full to starboard.
steer from the weather-helm.
steer from the weather-helm.
pump the break slowly.
the gate to the backyard's open.
the gate to the backyard's open.
It’s always open.–– destination.
kickstand if you have one that works.
the interior:
the science of the interior tells us
the galaxy's center has a lingering
scent of raspberries and rum.
sure, the chemical menu
at the galactic hub is abundant
with scents of countless elements
recognizable to earthlings, but
for the ghosts of poets who long went before me,
helm's hard-over and I'm buying-in to rum and raspberries.
the interior:
the science of the interior tells us
the galaxy's center has a lingering
scent of raspberries and rum.
sure, the chemical menu
at the galactic hub is abundant
with scents of countless elements
recognizable to earthlings, but
for the ghosts of poets who long went before me,
helm's hard-over and I'm buying-in to rum and raspberries.